Any or All in python HackerRank Solution

Hello Programmers, In this post, you will know how to solve the Any or All in python HackerRank Solution. This problem is a part of the HackerRank Python Programming Series.

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Any or All in python HackerRank Solutions

One more thing to add, don’t directly look for the solutions, first try to solve the problems of Hackerrank by yourself. If you find any difficulty after trying several times, then you can look for solutions.

Any or All in python HackerRank Solution

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This expression returns True if any element of the iterable is true.
If the iterable is empty, it will return False.

Code :

>>> any([1>0,1==0,1<0])
>>> any([1<0,2<1,3<2])

This expression returns True if all of the elements of the iterable are true. If the iterable is empty, it will return True.

Code :

>>> all(['a'<'b','b'<'c'])
>>> all(['a'<'b','c'<'b'])

Task :

You are given a space separated list of integers. If all the integers are positive, then you need to check if any integer is a palindromic integer.

Input Format :

The first line contains an integer N. N is the total number of integers in the list.
The second line contains the space separated list of N integers.

Constraints :

  • 0 < N < 100

Output Format :

Print True if all the conditions of the problem statement are satisfied. Otherwise, print False.

Sample Input :

12 9 61 5 14

Sample Output :


Explanation :

Condition 1: All the integers in the list are positive.
Condition 2: 5 is a palindromic integer.
Hence, the output is True.
Can you solve this challenge in 3 lines of code or less?
There is no penalty for solutions that are correct but have more than 3 lines.

Any or All in python HackerRank Solution

def isPositive(i):
    if i > 0:
        return True
    return False
def isPalindrome(i):
    if int(str(i)[::-1]) is i:
        return True
    return False
N = int(input())
storage = map(int, input().split())
storage = sorted(storage)
if all([isPositive(i) for i in storage]):
    if any([isPalindrome(i) for i in storage]):

Disclaimer: The above Problem (Any or All in python) is generated by Hackerrank but the Solution is Provided by BrokenProgrammers. This tutorial is only for Educational and Learning purposes.

Next: ginortS in python HackerRank Solution

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